Thinking that you'll do something is a whole lot easier than ACTUALLY doing it. I know that I am a big culprit here. Like now, I should be tidying up the miniature mountain range of clothes covering my bedroom floor, and hiding bottles of alcohol left over from last weekend, and the weekend before that, before they are found by the wrong person. Instead, I decided to do this. Totally random and out of the blue.
My boyfriend once said to me, "A good worker always has deadlines.". He said this to me after I kept putting off learning to drive and I had to be picked up and dropped home all the time (And I could tell he was getting really annoyed and fed up). You may think he is a horrible, bossy person for nagging me to get it done and wonder why I'm still with him, but trust me, he's bloody lovely. That's just how he operates. He is a farmer, and has worked that way his entire life. If he doesn't meet his deadlines, he suffers much more than having to drive twelve miles out of his way to bring me home. For example, if his silage doesn't grow in enough time for first cut, he has to put he cows out in the field when it is cold and wet, because they will run out of food. I may sound like I am saying he should stop going on about my driving, because i'm not. But I am really trying to get my head around the fact that my man can meet deadlines and I can't. Not because I've not got enough time, simply because I just never start the task in the first place!
Sometimes, I will get my ass in gear, and get on and do whatever it was I needed to do, but I have to have a real motive to do so. When I was re-decorating my room, I painted all my furniture and the walls within a week. This was probably because I was fed up sleeping on the sofa downstairs, where all you can hear is the whirr of the dishwasher, and are woken at 5am by people getting up and driving about FAR too early. Thing is, if I say to myself "I must tidy my room or else I will not let myself go out at the weekend", I will never do it because I know that this threat is not real, so I will go out and get hammered and my bedroom will be in exactly the same state it was in before.
So, back to now. I am doing this now when I really should have gone to bed an hour ago. So I need to force myself to turn this off, and get ready for bed because I really need to get up and go for a run tomorrow. A good worker always meets deadlines? Perhaps I do have deadlines, but perhaps they get set after the job has already been finished.
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